Mountaineer CrossFit – Beginners
Warm-up (No Measure)
200m row x 4 with 30 second rest between each 200m. try to keep the row at a steady pace. indentify a consistant stroke rate
This is not for time
Knees to chest skill work. 5×5
Clean (15 min to find 1RM)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a running 9 minute clock
2 rounds – 1 minute rest b/w rounds
Goblet Squats (53lb/35lb – 44lb/26lb)
Kettlebell Swings (53lb/35lb – 44lb/26lb)
Box Overs (24in male/20in female
1minute at each station, move to next station as fast as possible for next minute work, no rest between stations, 1 minute rest after first round. Score – total reps
Burpee – Athlete begins first burpee by standing upright, knees and hips fully extended. For each rep the Athlete bends knees and places palms flat on floor. Athlete must get entire front of body flat to floor including chest and hips. Athlete then performs a pushup and returns feet toward hands. With hands off the floor Athlete will stand up, extend knees and hips and jump while clapping hands above the head.
Goblet Squat – The starting position is holding the KB horns with horns upright. KB b/w chest and neck height, standing fully upright with knees and hips fully extended while maintaining the KB position above. Athlete lowers hip crease to below knee and stands back up to fully upright position for each rep.
American KB Swing – KKB starts on the ground, handle up. Using both hands Athlete grabs handle of KB and stands upright with hips extended. The Athlete begins lowering arc of movement, the kb must pass behind the legs at the bottom, then Athlete begins rising arc (cannot elevator the kb) and the movment finishes when the kb is directly above the head, hips extended, with the base of the kb facing the ceiling and the handle facing the top of your head.
Box Overs – Start standing with two feet on the floor. Novice/Masters may jump up or step up to get both feet on top of the box. Both feet must be on top of the box before jumping or stepping down on the opposite side of the box.
Athletes do not need to stand up completely while on top of the box. You may face any direction