Mountaineer CrossFit – Beginners
I would like to thank everyone for the card, flowers and support over the past few months. Your thoughtfullness is appreciated. miss torturing you all ? But I did get to torture Teresa and Laura Monday! My plan is to start coaching again on Mondays. Looking forward to seeing everyone get their sweat on! Trudy
(No Measure)
25 push ups
15 duck walks
Mobility stretches. (See coach for stretches)
Push Press (5 x 2 @ 75%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min AMRAP:
6 OHS 65/45#
8 Shoulder to overhead 65/45
10 SDHP 65/45
If you do not have solid form concentrate on form. Do Airsquats focusing on arms raised, chest up and pay attn to mobility in ankles and hips. Squat to box if needed