Director of Mountaineer CrossFit Mobility Program
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Mobility Trainer
Current Exercise Physiology student at WVU
2 years CrossFit experience
2013 Mid-Atlantic Regional-Team Mountaineer CrossFit-11th place
Catapult Olympic Lifting Certification
2014 Mid Atlantic Regional Judge
I look forward to coming to Mountaineer CrossFit every day. I love the environment and community of people behind not only our gym, but all of CrossFit as a whole. I enjoy meeting the diverse group of people who walk through our doors. It is fun to see the individual growth of each person as they strive to better themselves.
“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’ -Muhammed Ali
Favorite WOD: 30 Muscle Ups for time
Least favorite WOD: Fran
Favorite lift: Snatch
Least favorite lift: Deadlift