CrossFit Level 1
CrossFit Mobility
CrossFit Endurance
Catapult Olympic Lifting
NickName: Lee-Ha
I started CrossFit when I turned 41 at the recommendation from my doctor that I needed to take better care of myself. I was never athletic, was overweight and my doctor was getting ready to put me on medication for various health issues. Four years later, 50 pounds lighter, no medication, never felt better . . .need I say more. Since starting CrossFit I have obtained my CF-L1 Certification and assist with coaching CF Beginnings. Nothing has been more rewarding then helping others and seeing the changes CrossFit can make in someone’s life. Everyday people are reaching goals and accomplishing things they never thought they would or could. I have learned I have the heart of a CrossFit warrior and it has made me stronger physically, mentally and emotionally. I live a better quality of life thanks to Mountaineer CrossFit.
“Never let someone tell you that you can’t instead show them that you can”