Mountaineer CrossFit – Teens
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds of:
1) Side Shuffle X2 (start at an end of the room, shuffle to the middle of the room, then back to the start TWICE)
2) 10 One Arm Presses (5 Left/5 Right. Keep rib cage down to avoid belly whack)
3) Backpedal X2 (start at an end of the room, backpedal to the middle of the room, then back to the start TWICE)
Push Press (Build to a heavy triple)
The bar starts on the ground then goes to the front rack position (this can be a power clean then 3 push presses OR a deadlift – hang clean – then 3 push presses if need be).
Increase your weight under three rules:
1) The weight feels tough on REP THREE ONLY! Reps 1 and 2 should feel consistent
2) Keba says your form is spot on with the proper weight!
3) You feel comfortable with your weight
Metcon (10 Rounds for reps)
Complete every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
Odd: 3 Push Press (Use weight from the skill. DO NOT RUSH YOUR REPS)
Even: 20 Double Unders/40 Single Unders (This should take 40 seconds or less)
***Make sure you partner with someone who has a similar weight as you. If you need to change weights, it will be the responsibility of the lifter to do so***
1) Spiderman Stretch – 1:00 per side
2) Calf Smash with foam roller or barbell – 1:00 per side