October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! We want to show our support this Friday, October 30th by performing “Grace” during classes. Don’t forget to wear pink as we are going to get as many class pictures as possible of everyone showing their support!! If everyone could please donate any amount for the cause, that would be greatly appreciated!!
Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
(No Measure)
Zombie Tag. One person is a zombie and another is a doctor. Anyone infected (tagged) by the main zombie becomes a zombie themselves, unless the doctor can give an antidote (untag) them. Zombies don’t run!
Deadlift (Focus Angry Gorilla w/ the Pumpkin)
DSDS (Focus: Pumpkin Stem to the Sky)
Metcon (Time)
12-9-6 of:
Pumpkin Deadlifts
Pumpkin DSDS
Stinkbug Push Ups
Metcon (Time)
Game: Witches Brew Team Relay. A cauldron of water is at the start, and each team has a cup to carry water. Each child has to fill their cup with water from the cauldron, and then lunge their way to a plastic pumpkin trying to not spill any water. First team to fill their pumpkin wins