Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
(No Measure)
3:00-5:00 Minutes:
Animal Relays. Perform a version of an animal walk designated by the coach (Flamingo Hops, Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Kangaroo Hop, Gallop, etc.) down to the cone and back
Roly Polys
Angry Gorilla
Metcon (Time)
Partner AMRAP:
10 Bounce Pass -> 9 Squats (Together)
10 Chest Pass -> 7 Push Ups (Together)
10 Overhead Pass -> 5 Deadlift (Together)
Metcon (Time)
Game: Frogger. This is an adaption on the 1980s arcade game. Kids stand opposite a partner in two lines approximately 2 m apart. One athlete in each pair is holding a medicine ball. One person (the Frog) waits at the end of the column. At the start of the game, everyone but the Frog gets into the bottom of the squat position and rolls (no throwing!) the medicine ball between partners. The medicine balls represent the “cars” the Frog is trying to get past. The Frog attempts to frog-hop down the column without getting tagged by the medicine balls. Players take turns getting to be the Frog