Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
(No Measure)
Players run around a circle of cones in the middle of the room. When “freeze!” is called, a certain number of reps of a movement is yelled out. Players complete the reps, and then return to running in a circle. Movement around the circle will vary as well, such as side shuffle, bear crawl, crab walk, duck walk, etc.)
Shoulder Press (Overhead Plate Relay – NOT A RACE!)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in a given time of:
10 Lunge Steps (5 each leg)
10 Presses
10 Sit-Ups
Metcon (Time)
Game: Target Ball. At the start of the game, teams line up on opposing ends. One player from each team comes to the center for the “jump ball” to determine which team starts with the ball. Whichever team sends the ball back to its side starts on offense. The ball can hit the ground off the jump, but after that, any time the ball hits the ground it is a turnover and possession switches to the other team. Players on offense try to move the ball down the court by underhand or overhand passes; however, before the ball can be passed to a teammate, an air squat must be performed. Additionally, when an athlete is in possession of the ball, movement of the feet beyond a single-foot pivot is considered traveling and causes a turnover. Similarly, failure to squat leads to a turnover. The team on defense may attempt to block the ball as it is passed, but defending players must be at least one arm’s length away from throwing players at all times to ensure this a non-contact game. Points are scored by a successful throw that hits the target. A squat must also be performed before throwing to the target. When a point is scored, the scoring team takes the ball back to its end line and throws the ball to the other team, which is now on offense.