Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
(No Measure)
AMRAP in a given time of:
3 Handstand Kick-Ups
20 Line Hops
10 Side to Side Frog Stretch
Thruster (4 Step -> 3 Step Sequence)
Metcon (Time)
In teams of 4, complete 3 rounds of 30 seconds each of:
Med Ball Side to Side Handoff
Frankenstein Stretch (Opposite Hand Touches Opposite Foot)
T Push-Ups
**Rest 1 minute between rounds**
Metcon (Time)
Game: Musical Med Balls. The game is exactly like musical chairs, with a twist. Everyone moves around the cones until the whistle blows. Once the whistle blows, find a ball and hold a squat over it. A ball will be removed each round so that there will always be one extra person per total med ball count (6 kids and 5 med balls, etc.). In case of a tie, max reps of squats will determine the winner