Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
Warm-up (No Measure)
High Knees Run, Butt Kickers, Forward Jog, Backward Jog, Side Shuffle L/R, Grapevine L/R, Broad Jumps
Cartwheel (Focus: Hand and Foot Placement)
Metcon (Time)
Partner AMRAP in a given time. One partner holds plank position while the other completes the following:
3 Cartwheels
10 Lunge Steps (5 each leg in place)
**Partners switch positions and repeat**
Metcon (Time)
Game: Burpee Basketball. Two starting lines will be marked next to each other, and a ball will be placed on each line. The baskets are placed a few feet in front of the lines; the exact distance depends on the ability of the group. The class is divided in half, and players line up behind each starting line. In a relay-race format, the player at the front of the line does a burpee and then tries to throw the ball into the hoop. If the ball goes into the basket, the player gets the ball and replaces it on the starting line. If he or she misses the basket, the player retrieves the ball and does 5 jumping jacks before replacing the ball on the starting line. Once the ball is back on the starting line, the next player may begin.