Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
(No Measure)
Animal Walks: Inchworms -> Bear Crawl, Leapfrogs, Crab Walks, Bunny Hops
Front Squat (Focus: High Laser Beams)
Reverse Limbo Game: Kids approach the limbo bar and must squat keeping their laser beams above the bar. The limbo bar raises each time the kids squat
Metcon (Time)
Tabata Mash-Up (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, alternating intervals of each couplet):
Front Squats/Push-Ups
Metcon (Time)
Game: Up In The Air. The kids are separated into groups of five to eight. Each group stands in a circle with one athlete assigned to start with the beach ball. When play begins, the athlete with the ball tosses it up in the air. The other players in the circle try to keep the ball from hitting the ground by striking it with their hands. Each contact with the beach ball counts as a point. Players are to keep track of their highest consecutive string of hits. The group has to start back at zero once the beach ball hits the floor or a player makes an illegal contact with the beach ball (e.g. no player can hit the ball twice in succession). The group that ends up with the highest consecutive strikes is declared the winner, and gets to pick 3 reps of a movement for the opposing team to perform.