Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
(No Measure)
Station Rotation: Squats, Box Jumps, Front Squats, Front/Back Line Hops
Push Press (Focus: Oompa Loompa Press)
Jump Rope
Metcon (Time)
AMRAP in a given time of:
10 Push Press
10 Sit Ups
20 Single Unders
Metcon (Time)
Game: Freeze Tag. One or more “taggers” will be selected at the start of the game. Each tagger will have a “freeze ball” used to tag others. On the call of “go,” players move within the space to avoid being tagged. Once tagged with the “freeze ball,” players must freeze in the place where they got tagged until the person with the “fire ball” comes to free them by tapping one of their arms. Play continues until the coach selects new taggers