Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
Warm-up (No Measure)
Stop on 25: Class performs synchronized jumping jacks with the
teacher counting for the first 15 reps. Then the class will attempt to
continue without talking to 25 and stop at the exact same time.
Hang Power Clean (DSDS Practice)
Wall-Ball (Practice)
Metcon (Time)
AMRAP in a given time of:
7 Hang Power Cleans
10 Mountain Climbers
7 Front Squats w/ Wall Ball
10 Mountain Climbers
Capture the Flag. Each team has its own territory in which they are safe, but in which opponents can be tagged. The two territories are separated by a boundary line and the teams plant their flag within site of the line. The purpose of the game is to capture the opponent’s flag and carry it back to your own territory. Players tagged within their opponent’s territory are sent to the opponent’s jailhouse. Home players can guard their flag but must stay a designated space away. Teammates can free players from the opposing jailhouse, but only one jailed teammate can be rescued at a time.
Play continues until a flag is captured, or for pre-determined time period. If no capture occurs in that time, the team that has jailed the most opponents wins.