Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Round Tabata of:
Plank Ups
Side Shuffle Sprints (Wall to Wall)
One Legged Toe Touches (Opposite hand to Opposite Foot)
Log Roll (Practice)
Roll from a Hollow Body position to a Superman position and then return to the Hollow Body position
Metcon (Time)
“Colors and Numbers”
The kids will be split up into two teams behind the starting line at one end of the floor. On the whistle, one kid from each team will progress through the following stations:
1. Speed Ladder
2. 3 Push Ups
3. Ball Toss
**For the ball toss, numbers and colors will be written on the wall. The ball must hit the appropriate wall mark in the order that is instructed before the next teammate can participate**