Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
Warm-up (No Measure)
Four Corner Station Rotation: The kids will be spread out evenly along the four corners of the room. On the call of “Go” the kids will perform that station’s movement for :20 seconds. When the whistle blows, rotate to the next corner. Stations are: Lunges, Push Ups, Grasshoppers, and Dead Bug Holds
Box Jumps (Laser Knees Out)
Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD in a given time of:
One Handed Ball Toss
10 Box Jumps (alternating, 5 each)
Chest Pass (both hands)
5 Front Squats (together)
Underhand Ball Toss
10 Plank High Fives (5 each hand)
Metcon (Time)
Game: Protect the Pin