Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
Warm-up (No Measure)
Roll -> 5 Tuck Jumps -> Back pedal -> Ball/Frisbee catch
Thruster (4 to 3 step sequence practice)
Metcon (Time)
AMRAP in a given time of:
10 Air Thrusters
10 T-Rotations (5 each side)
10 second OH Plate Hold
10 Jumping Lunges (5 each side)
Metcon (Time)
Game: Powerball. The objective is to score the most buckets as possible within the given time. The class is divided into two teams and lined up at the cones. The two coaches are on either side of the bucket, facing the teams. Players take turns performing the assigned exercise (usually 3-5 reps of squats or burpees) at the cone. Upon completing the given exercise, the player picks up the dodgeball and attempts to put it in the bucket. Coaches defend the bucket much like in basketball. A point is scored for each ball scored in the bucket. A turn is over once the ball leaves the player’s hands, at which time that player returns to the end of their team’s line