Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
Warm-up (No Measure)
AMRAP in a given time of:
20 Jump Ropes
10 Plank Ups
10 Good Mornings (Use the wall if necessary)
Deadlift (Tire Flip Conga Line)
Metcon (Time)
Team Relay of:
A. Farmer’s Carry
B. Backward Jog
C. Med Ball Carry
D. Bean Bag Bucket Toss
(The kids will move one at a time from the start line, down and around the cone at the opposite end of the floor, then back to the start. Each teammate must complete one round of movement A before the team continues to movement B, etc. A bucket will at the end of the floor for the bean bag toss. Three attempts are allowed for the toss. If the toss is not successful, 10 jumping jacks must be completed by that person before tagging in the next teammate)
Metcon (Time)
Game: Pickle/Hot Box/Rundown/Running The Bases. Two bases are set up about 20 feet apart. Two kids are “it,”one at each base, while another kid is the “runner.” The other kids divide and go to the bases. The game starts by the two kids who were “it” tossing the ball to each other. The object of the game is for the “runner” to get from one base to the other without being tagged by the ball. If you were tagged then you were “it” and the game continues.The fun of the game is to get the person who was “it” to throw a wide pitch or for the “runner”to”steal” the base