Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
There will be NO CLASS Monday September 5th due to the Labor Day holiday. Have fun and do something active!!!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Relay: Waiter’s Walk Left -> Waiter’s Walk Right -> Zig Zag Through Rollers -> Roll -> 3 Tuck Jumps -> Ball Throw through Tires -> Sprint to Finish
Air Squat (Squat Tag)
Squat tag is the same rules as freeze tag, but in order to be unfrozen, the unfreezer has to squat down next to the frozen person and each person’s knees have to touch
Metcon (Time)
Roll the Dice:
First Dice: Number of Reps
Second Dice: Movement
1) Squats
2) Hollow Holds
3) Pushups
4) Lunges
5) Wall to Wall Backward Jogs (One rep = one wall to the other wall)
6) Jump Ropes (Number on the dice plus ten. For example, if the dice reads “3,” then the total amount of jump rope is 13 reps)
Metcon (Time)
Game: Paper Walk. A sheet of paper is required for each kid. The kids walk/run in a circle with a sheet of paper on their chests. If they walk quickly enough, the paper will not fall. If the paper falls, the athlete does 3 repetitions of a movement (e.g. squat or press up the sky) then proceeds with the paper.