Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
There will be NO CLASS Monday September 5th due to the Labor Day holiday. Have fun and do something active!!!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Pac-Man/Line Tag. One player is the tagger or “Pac-(Wo)Man.” The object is to avoid being tagged by a pac person by walking/running ONLY along the lines on the ground. A pac person can also only move along the lines on the ground. A runner may not jump from line to line. If someone is tagged, they sit down on the line where they were tagged and become a barrier. No runners may pass a sitting person, but a pac person can pass. The game continues until there is only one or two players left or until all others have been tagged.
Air Squat (Practice)
Practice the fundamentals of the squat: Finding the feet (hands outside of shoulders with heels under thumbs), finding where the hips are, hands up like a rocket or butterfly, pockets below knees, stand tall like a superhero
Metcon (Time)
CF Baseball:
Home: 5 Super Slow Squats
1st: 10 second Deadbug Hold
2nd: 5 KB Goblet Squats
3rd: 5 Burpees
Metcon (Time)
Game: The Stick Game. Every kid needs a PVC. Arrange athletes in one large circle, about 2 feet between athletes. At the coach’s call of “left” or “right,” athletes rotate, leaving their PVC pipes balanced on end while attempting to grab their neighbor’s PVC. If an athlete fails to catch the next person’s pipe, he or she must do 10 reps of a movement before re-entering play. Every few rounds, athletes take a step backward to increase difficulty.
***Bonus Challenge: 1. Athletes must hold their dominant hands behind their backs, using only their non-dominant hand to play. 2. Athletes may only grab PVCs with the hand opposite the direction called.***