Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
Warm-up (No Measure)
Animal Walks: inchworms, bear crawl, leapfrogs, crab walks, bunny hops. The coach decides when to switch. This can be played like “Switch” or everyone can be spread out
Roll (Practice)
This is forward roll practice. If mastery is shown, then different variations can be completed, such as: standing forward roll, jumping forward roll, backwards roll, log roll, cart wheel, candlestick roll, etc.
Metcon (Time)
AMRAP in a given time of:
2 Rolls
4 T-Push Ups (4 each side, 8 total)
6 Thrusters
12 Jump Rope
***Thrusters are 4-count and the numbers need to be audible***
Metcon (Time)
Game: Bullseye (similar rules to darts). A starting line will be drawn on the ground, along with three rings a few feet away from the start line. Outer ring = 1 point; middle ring = 2 points; bullseye = 3 points. To play, one kid will approach the starting line and perform three reps of a fast movement (tuck jumps, pushups, jumping jacks, etc.). Then, they will pick up three bean bags, and throw one at a time at the bullseye on the ground. Highest score after a few rounds wins