***The Mountaineer CrossFit Christmas Party will be on Saturday, December 10th at 7pm at The Bank on High Street. It will be $15 at the door if you plan on attending. Let one of the coaches know if you have any questions!***
Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
This last week of November and the month of December will be focused on the skill of deadlifting, A.K.A. picking things up properly. We are going to work on Angry Gorilla Back position to learn how to pick things up in the kids class as well as at school, home, etc.
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 round relay of:
Roll (kids can pick the difficulty of the roll) -> Bear Crawl cone to cone -> Lunge walk cone to cone -> Sprint to finish and tag the next person
Deadlift (Seated Superman -> Stand)
This is a newer progression to the deadlifts than we have done before. For the seated superman to stand, it is basically a high box squat starting from the seated position. Each kid will set their feet in squat stance and find “superman” (spinal extension) before standing up. Return to seated position, maintaining spinal extension. Repeat a second time with hands lower (like in a deadlift position)
Metcon (Time)
7 Deadlifts
14 Jumping Jacks
Run Wall to Wall x3 OR down and back once if on the turf
Best deadlifter picks!