Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
Warm-up (No Measure)
Switch sides: The group will be divided in half and will line up facing each other on opposite sides of the room. Select a way to cross the space and call “switch!” to signal them to switch sides. Repeat with as many different movements as you can think of (bear crawl, crab walk, skips, shuffles, etc.)
Push-ups (Focus: Plank Games)
Games: Same side high fives, opposite side high fives, roving plank L/R, 180 and 360 degree spins in a plank position, plank shoulder taps, plank ups, plank on forearms, plank on hands, T-plank (one hand to the sky in a side plank), etc.
Metcon (Time)
Line up 3-5 jump boxes in a row in the middle of the workout space. Then complete AMRAP in a given amount of time of:
5 Push ups
Climb/jump up and over each box in the line
5 Deadlifts (with foam ball)
Class vote or Frogger. For frogger: This is an adaption on the 1980s arcade game. Kids stand opposite a partner in two lines approximately 2 mats apart. One athlete in each pair is holding a 4#-6# medicine ball. One person (the Frog) waits at the end of the column. At the start of the game, everyone but the
Frog gets into the bottom of the squat position and rolls (NO THROWING!!!) the medicine ball between partners. The medicine balls represent the “cars” the Frog is trying to get past. The Frog attempts to frog-hop down the column without getting tagged by the medicine balls. Players take turns getting to be the Frog