***Davis and Hali’s last day at MCF is Friday, April 28th. They will be at the Downtown Black Bear Burritos location at 8:00pm and then heading to The Bank afterwards. All are welcome to stop by at either location to wish them luck in North Carolina!!!***
Mountaineer CrossFit – Kids
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds of:
15 yd Bear crawl – run back
15 yd Lunge walk – run back
15 yd Broad jump – run back
Tumbling Relay
Run to the mat and perform the skill called out by the coach (Stinkbug Push Up, Cartwheel, Forward Roll, Handstand Kick Up)
Metcon (Time)
AMRAP in a given time of:
20 Lateral Hops
10 Deadlifts
1 Forward Roll