Mountaineer CrossFit – Teens
Warm-up (No Measure)
Funnel Tag. The class is divided into groups of 6 or 7 athletes. Each group chooses one athlete to be the tagger and one athlete for the tagger to pursue. The group faces each other in a circle, arm-over-arm, and spins to the left or right in an attempt to keep the chosen athlete as far from the tagger as possible. The tagger must remain outside the circle, sprinting around it in pursuit of the prey. If the tagger successfully tags the athlete, cyclone athletes must do 5 burpees. If the cyclone fends off the tagger for a predetermined amount of time (1-2 minutes should sufice), the tagger must complete 5 burpees. Choose a new tagger and target for each round.
Rope Climb (Practice)
Wear long socks or some other form of shin guard to protect everything from the feet to the knees!!!
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
Three rounds, one minute at each station of:
Wall-Ball Shots (Max Reps)
Farmer Carry (length of the room and back)
Burpees (Max Reps)
MB DSDS/Hang Power Clean (Max Reps)
***1-minute rest between each round***
Lawnmowers (3×5 Unweighted Each Leg)
AKA Single Leg Deadlift. There are two options to perform this exercise: 1) Standing on one leg, reach the opposite hand down toward an object on the ground while maintaining a straight back and tight belly. Keep controlled on the way down and also on your way back up to standing. 2) Same idea as option one, but you can hold a weight in your opposite hand for the whole movement. Back stays rigid and your belly stays tight the whole time