Mountaineer CrossFit – Teens
Planks (Plank Shoulder Touch Practice)
These are plank shoulder touches. One rep of a plank shoulder touch is as follows: start at the top of the plank position, peform a push up, then touch your opposite shoulder with the opposite hand at the top of the pushup. Then reset your hands and repeat the touch for the other hand/shoulder. Try to avoid swaying your body from side to side as you shift weight in your hands. These are unweighted.
Warm-up (No Measure)
Relay for 5 minutes of: 5 Goblet Squats -> Crab walk to the cone -> Bear crawl back to the start
Metcon (Time)
Complete 16-12-8-4 reps for quality of:
Plank Shoulder Touches
KB Lunges (each leg)