Mountaineer CrossFit – Teens
Warm-up (No Measure)
Junkyard Dog Warm Up: The junk yard dog warm up consist of 2 parts, each done with a partner.
Part 1: Partner A sits on the floor with their arms to the side (parallel to the floor) and legs out front touching each other. Partner B starts behind partner A, jumps over arm 1, turns 90 degrees, jumps over the legs, turns 90 degrees and jumps over arm 2, then turns 180 degrees and repeats going the opposite direction…this is 1 rep. Perform this 5 times, then switch.
Part 2: Partner A gets on his hands and knees, and partner B jumps over partner A. At this time partner A pikes up and partner B low crawls under partner A…this consist of 1 rep. Perform this 5 times, then switch
Hang Power Clean (Work Up to a Heavy Double)
Take 10-15 minutes to warm up and progress. Lift ONLY when Keba is watching you. You may progress in weight as long as Keba says your form looks great!
Metcon (Time)
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
15 Hang Power Cleans (Light)
15 Burpee Over Box (Land Lightly on the Box!!!)
Static stretching and foam roll